What Others Say About Siddiqui Education

We had staff touring the school who saw every class glued to the screen, and the numbers on the call showed that every single group in the school joined in. The stories and messages chimed perfectly with the aims of today and our focus over the coming weeks.

The content was strong - linking to the academy was a great idea and could be built upon in future presentations to really link your experiences with that of the school/academy you visit.

An articulate, interesting and engaging talk. Baasit was very honest, humble and personable.

Course Overview

Suggested Audience Age: KS3, 4 and 5

  • 1

    Course Introduction

    • Welcome

  • 2

    School Assembly: Lessons in Business and Education (move on to next chapter if delivering multiple sessions)

    • Lessons in Business and Education FULL Assembly - (If running multiple sessions skip to next chapter)

    • Video: Lessons in Business and Education Whole Assembly

  • 3

    Class Exercises: Lessons in Business and Education (three parts)

    • Introduction: Lessons in Business and Education Parts 1, 2 and 3

    • Part 1: Your career journey and making the most of opportunities.

    • Part 2: Valuing your network

    • Part 3: What makes you GREAT?

  • 4

    Course Summary

    • Thank you!