What Others Say About Yes Futures

The coaching sessions have been really helpful because they taught me a lot about resilience and how to build up my confidence, it's really helped me in the long run… I feel I have progressed in that I think more positively now, and when I am facing challenges I try to calm myself down and think rationally about them.

Emilie has come on leaps and bounds since starting the programme. She is more confident as an individual and intrinsically motivated to do well not just in her studies but in life. As a result, her academic grades in school have improved. In her most recent school report, a number of her class teachers commented on how Emilie is now a confident and vocal member of the class with an excellent attitude towards her learning.

The Neave I spoke to in the first and last sessions showed a marked difference, even in the way she was communicating and articulating herself. She was much more at ease and able to reflect on her achievements and next steps more independently.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Introduction

    • Welcome

  • 2

    Use the Language

    • Adopt a Coaching Approach: Video

  • 3

    Use Questioning

    • Use Questioning: Video

  • 4

    Set Goals

    • Set Goals: Video

  • 5

    Course Summary

    • Thank you